
Here will be all the updates of the bot


Improved the infractions sytem, you can now modify the duration and the reason of the infraction. Also, you can delete infractions.

Commands added:

modinf <infraction id> -> Modify an infraction (time and reason) delinf <infraction id> -> Delete an infraction


Welcome system added! You can now set a channel for welcomes and configurate it with new commands.

Commands added:

setwelcome [disable] <channel> -> Set the channel for the welcomes. wimage <url or image> -> Set the image for the welcome message. wmessage <text> -> Set the text that will be in the image. wcolor <#hexcolor> -> Set the text color of the image.


You can now set the level of an user with the new command "setlevel".

Commands added:

setlevel <user> <level> -> Set the level of an user


We ( I :( ) have pulled apart the infractions from the logs channel, there will be a channel only for infractions now. We have added an antispam system, enable it by using <prefix> antispam. Fixed an error which everytime a mute was used, the role was removed from the user. Also, multiple ban and multiple kick are here!

Commands added:

infrlogs <disable> [channel] -> Set the infractions logs channel mkick <users> -r <reason> -> Kick various users in the same command with the given reason mban <users> -r <reason> -> Ban various users in the same command with the given reason antispam [disable] -> Enable or disable the antispam system


Improved music system, you can now delete songs from the queue. Fixed an error which didn't allow to see all the songs from the queue, you can choose pages from the queue using <prefix> queue [page]. Fixed an error with the database which didn't allow users to skip a song never.

Commands added:

remove <queue song> -> Will remove a song from the queue


Now the bot will log whenever a message bulk delete happens (deleting a lot of messages quickly) and also will log whenever a member joins/leave a voice channel. In the future you will be able to choose more specifically where things logs (for example, a channel for message logs, another for voice logs...)


Finally the v1.1 is here! Now you can separate the logs channel in 6 parts, voice, messages, actions, infractions, server and members logs. Also, I have added two commands for select the moderator role and the administrator role, but if you don't need them, it will work if you have the needed permissions for the command.

Commands added:

voicelogs <channel> -> Set the voice logs channel memberlogs <channel> -> Set the members logs channel serverlogs <channel> -> Set the server logs channel infrlogs <channel> -> Set the infractions logs channel actionlogs <channel> -> Set the actions logs channel messagelogs <channel> -> Set the messages logs channel modrole <role name or id> -> Set the moderator role adminrole <role name or id> -> Set the administrator role

Commands removed:

logschannel -> You can separate the logs now


Fixed an error which didn't allow administrators to use moderator commands. Fixed another error which didn't allow to set administrator and moderator role.


Improved the welcome and profile texts, now they won't show as ugly as before. Also, added the confighelp command and updated the help command. Fixed an error in the mute command which while creating the muted role didn't change the role's position.

Commands added:

confighelp -> Will show help for the config section.


Fixed an error with voice logs which sent the message to the voice logs if a member selfmutes or selfdeafs. Removed commands profile-image and rank-image.

Commands removed:

profile-image -> In the future we (I) will enable this command again, in the future. rank-image -> In the future we (I) will enable this command again, in the future.


Sorry for being offline, but, as reward, there are new things. Firstly, 5 new commands added, let's use them. Also, now infractions doesn't have a random id, instead, it is the current number of infractions which is set as infraction id.

Commands added:

magik -> Will distort your avatar (or the given user avatar) sepia -> Will add some yellow to your avatar (or the given user avatar) greyscale -> Will add some grey to your avatar (or the given user avatar) contrast -> Will contrast colors of your avatar (or the given user avatar) invert -> Will invert your avatar (or the given user avatar)


Fixed more errors... and added a lot of commands, a lot!

Commands added:

connect4 -> Play connect 4 with someone dog -> Will show an image of a random dog cat-> Will show an image of a random cat bird-> Will show an image of a random bird fox-> Will show an image of a random fox duck-> Will show an image of a random duck time-zone -> Will show the current time in the given time zone today-in-history -> Will show one random thing that happened today in history horse-race -> Play some horse races.


Added one new command, glitch! Also, updated the database and some packages, so the bot should be x10000 faster. Fixed a lot of errors and preparing the bot to enable profile-image and rank-image another time.

Commands added:

glitch -> Will glitch your avatar (or the given user / image)


Well, there are new things. Fixed an error which allow all of you to give rep as you want (yup, it is fixed, sorry). Also, added the new images for profile and rank cards! You can see them at profile images and rank images. Reworked the profile card background image so now is more cool.


Fixed an error which didn't allow you to play some songs. Added 2 new commands and probably soon will add some more.

Commands added:

lock -> Lock a channel unlock -> Unlock a channel


Fixed some errors and now the bot should say in the logs who executed the action. For example, if Admin#1010 deletes a message from Member#0001, in the logs will say that Admin#1010 deleted the message.

Commands added:

binary -> Encode or decode in binary panda -> Will show an image of a random panda koala -> Will show an image of a random koala


Added more functions to the bot as for example, OCR.

Commands added:

ocr -> Optical Character Recognition


Updated the rank card, now it will show an exp bar, also now you can glitch gifs!

Commands added:

gglitch -> Glitch a gif


Updated the database so now it is better, also updated the makembed command and now it is easier. idk what add to the bot, maybe reaction roles?

Commands added:

autorole -> The role given to new users when they join the server.


Added the anime command, which is used to search an anime in myanimelist. Added the seek command (or also called jumpto), which is used to move the song to x point (mm:ss). Also improved the skip command, now is more efficient.

Commands added:

anime -> Search for an anime in myanimelist jumpto -> Jump to an specified part of the song


Added the most important commands, command and invitewhich allow you to invite the bot to more servers and get the info about an specific command, so now will be easier to use.

Commands added:

command -> Get info about the specified command invite -> Get the invite of the bot

Last updated